Option Strategies

Modified on 2016/04/25 15:25 by Rob Erickson (Plus500) — Categorized as: Uncategorized


  1. Properties Opens the properties for the Option Strategies window. Click here for more information.
  2. Create New Windows Click the arrow on the right side of this icon to choose between opening the Option Strategy Solver and opening another Option Strategies window.
  3. Clear All Strategies This will remove all strategies from the current tab. Note that a confirmation window will open before strategies are removed.
  4. Toggle Strategy Detail Pane Shows or hides the strategy detail pane. For more information on this pane see number 9 below.
  5. Toggle Strategy Grouping Groups strategies by type when selected, i.e. Put Spreads will group with Put Spreads, regardless of product.
  6. Expand/Collapse All Groups The "+" and "-" buttons will expand or collapse all groups in the current tab.
  7. Saved Strategies The Saved Strategies tab displays all strategies that have been saved. These strategies will exist in this tab until the constituent legs expire. For more information about the features of this tab, click HERE.
  8. RFQ The RFQ tab displays a real-time list of Requests for Quotes (RFQs) for all markets that a user has subscribed to. For more information about the features of this tab, click HERE.
  9. Strategy Details Pane The Strategy Details Pane contains critical information for the selected strategy in a consistent location. The strategy name, exchange, and leg information are all visible here to quickly identify the selected spread.